


在深圳大学, we underst和 that nursing students already have plenty to worry about, 确保他们所需的临床实习不应该成为堆积如山的东西.

请注意,临床实习承诺与赫京大学的msc - direct Entry幸运28计划不相关或不适用.

完成 护理学硕士 (MSN)和 护理研究生课程, securing their clinical placement can be a moment of great pride, 但它也可能是一种压力源,是他们脑海中不断浮现的东西. 在深圳大学, we underst和 that nursing students already have plenty to worry about, 确保他们所需的临床实习不应该成为堆积如山的东西. 这就是为什么软件下载提供 临床实习承诺 to every graduate nursing student. 

What is the Herzing 临床实习承诺?

Our pledge is simple, but it also underscores our commitment to you:

Herzing对其MSN和研究生护理幸运28计划非常有信心,如果MSN或研究生护理学生无法获得临床地点和导师,Herzing将保证, Herzing将退还MSN或研究生护理课程的所有学费给该MSN或研究生护理学生.

That’s a responsibility we take seriously, 软件下载将尽软件下载所能帮助你找到不仅仅是临床地点和导师, 但要符合你目前的道路和你一直憧憬的事业.

但是,既然你知道了软件下载对你的承诺,你还需要知道哪些隐藏的秘密才能 get the most out of your clinicals experience 当你的开始? 

The Importance of 护理 Clinicals

临床经验是你作为一名护理专业人员真正绽放的地方, 这就是为什么软件下载把它作为幸运28计划的关键要求 Herzing大学 School of 护理. 无论你专注于哪个专业-成人-老年医学急性护理,  成人-老年初级保健, 家庭护士, 精神病学及心理健康, 护理的领导 和 政府, 护士教育, or Pediatric Nurse Practitioner — the clinical hours may vary, but the result is always impactful.

软件下载的重点是通过您和导师之间的公开沟通,使您能够根据您的课程要求和个人时间表量身定制您的临床时间. 你的梦想和目标对软件下载很重要,软件下载会一起制定一个最适合你的时间表.

Through the Clinical Guidance Process, 参加赫zing护理课程的学生接受的教育是确保他们有自己的导师和临床场所, establish stronger work relationships, have greater networking opportunities, 和 help avoid long travel commutes. But when you need the help of those who have been there before, our clinical coordinators are here to assist.


As you begin to think about your clinicals, or even once you’ve gotten started, there will be plenty of questions 你可能有. Herzing的 学生服务 和 Clinical Placement Department在你们进入教育中最重要的阶段之际,软件下载会一直在这里为你们提供建议和建议.


  • Approximately 6 months before the start of the term, 学生将通过电子邮件发送临床申请提醒,其中包含到资源页面的链接和初始申请截止日期. Should a student have any questions, 学生可以选择与他们指定的临床实习顾问建立一个电话,讨论所有的要求和他们的临床经验的期望.
  • It’s crucial that students start looking at their options early. 学生 are encour年龄d to take advant年龄 of networking tools, 比如LinkedIn, 联系医疗保健专业人员并建立关系,从而获得临床实习或未来的职业机会. 另外, 学生可以与教授交流自己的临床经验,以获得更深入的了解.
  • If students are currently employed with a healthcare provider, they may complete their clinical rotations at their place of employment, but they cannot be completed during their paid working hours.
  • For students having difficulties finding clinical opportunities, don’t fret! 软件下载的临床协调团队将与学生合作,利用临床指导流程帮助学生在学期开始前获得安置. With Herzing的 extensive list of partnerships, 软件下载的诊所可以接触到很多医疗机构,这些医疗机构过去曾与荷晶的学生合作过. In the rare case that local opportunities are limited, we won't hesitate to explore out-of-state options. *
  • Upon approval of the site 和 preceptor from the clinical coordination team, Herzing将确保学生安置所需的合同和协议. 


记住, 一路走来, 你有软件下载的承诺,软件下载的临床实习承诺,软件下载为你提供的服务贯穿你的课程和每天在赫京大学. We are dedicated to supporting you in 你的临床之旅 和 ensuring that every student has a fair opportunity to succeed. 软件下载在一起,软件下载迫不及待地想看你开始的不可思议的旅程!

对注册的更多信息或下一步确保您的临床安置和导师感兴趣? 访问 你当地的校园页面 或联络 学生服务部 to connect with a clinical coordinator.

Learn More 关于 Our 护理程序


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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