
Three Different 社会工作者的种类

社会工作者 通过咨询帮助个人和家庭提高生活质量, 宣传和教育. They partner with people of all ages, 从儿童到老年人, to help them through a variety of challenges, 包括疾病, addiction, 和残疾.

社会工作者 generally work in one of three key areas:


社会工作者 Meeting with Young Patient

What are the duties of a social worker?

所有社会工作者 无论他们帮助什么样的客户,都有共同的责任和任务. This includes meeting with clients, 倾听他们的担忧, 评估他们的需求,共同制定行动计划. 社工还教育案主,并指导他们利用社区资源.

A social worker’s roles and responsibilities vary depending on the type of clients they work with, the environment in which they work, 即使是这一天. No matter what area they focus on, skills 如移情、沟通、解决问题、耐心等都能使社工受益.

While there are common duties, the three different types of social workers—mental health, medical, 和孩子, 家庭和老年人服务——每个都有特定的职责来满足客户的独特需求.

Mental health social work: roles and responsibilities

精神卫生社会工作者 帮助那些与药物滥用、精神疾病和行为障碍作斗争的人. 他们经常与其他临床卫生保健专业人员密切合作, 比如护士和医生, to provide support to clients and their families.

Some duties of a mental health social worker include:

  • Evaluating mental, emotional, and physical health
  • 确定最佳治疗方案(例如戒毒或戒酒)
  • Develop individualized treatment plans
  • Provide counseling to clients and their families

心理健康社会工作者经常与社区机构和组织密切合作. They refer clients to available community resources, such as job assistance and other outreach programs. 此外,心理健康社会工作者可以计划、发展和评估社区幸运28计划.


  • Mental health centers and clinics
  • Schools
  • Substance use disorder clinics
  • Residential treatment centers
  • 州和联邦机构

Medical social work: Roles and responsibilities

Medical or healthcare social workers 帮助正在经历身体疾病或紧急情况的病人及其家人. 医务社会工作者通常在医院或诊所工作,与病人的医疗团队协调护理. 他们帮助病人了解自己的病情,并引导他们找到可以解决相关情绪问题的资源, financial and social issues that may arise.

Some duties specific to medical social workers include:

  • 帮助病人和他们的家人在医疗系统中导航
  • 与病人的医疗护理团队沟通病人和家属的需求
  • 评估和监测患者及其家属的精神和情绪健康
  • Providing short-term counseling and therapy

医务社会工作者可以在各种医疗保健机构中找到, 包括医院, local health clinics and health departments, 长期护理设施, state facilities for maternal and child health, and home health or hospice agencies.


现在通过 Sept 30th


社会工作者 in the children, 家庭和老龄服务部门为所有年龄的人及其亲属提供服务.

Child and family social workers 在改善贫困家庭福利方面发挥重要作用. 他们帮助保护弱势儿童,支持他们家庭的需要. 他们评估风险并帮助为儿童建立安全、稳定的环境. 他们还为父母提供支持,并与所有家庭成员建立关系.

儿童和家庭社会工作者经常与经历某种形式创伤的儿童一起工作, such as physical or mental abuse. 正因为如此,儿童和家庭社会工作者可能会与司法系统合作.


  • 公立和私立学校
  • 法院和法律制度
  • Youth and adolescent health programs
  • 家庭支持计划

Aging services social workers 帮助老年人及其家人了解他们可获得的保健和社会服务. This includes housing and healthcare options, 以及社区资源,如膳食和老年人活动.

另外, 老龄服务社工可以帮助成年人计划护理过渡, such as moving into an assisted living facility. 他们可能会为老年人提供咨询,以帮助他们解决所特有的问题, such as wills and end-of-life care.

These social workers typically work in:

  • Hospitals
  • Home health and hospice agencies
  • 成人日间课程
  • 长期护理设施


作为一名社会工作者, 你有机会为无数人服务,并对社会产生积极影响. Are you ready to explore a rewarding career in social work?

了解更多关于Herzing的信息 online 社会工作硕士 (MSW) program 对于那些没有获得社会工作学士学位(BSW)或软件下载的社会工作学士学位的学生 Advanced Standing MSW program for those who have already earned a BSW.

Learn more about our program options in social work


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.



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